Trading Fee

Drake charges a standard 0.1% fee on each trade (order execution). This fee structure is designed to support the platform’s operations while rewarding liquidity providers and participants.

VIP Level Discount

Drake offers a VIP program that provides discounts on commission fees for high-volume traders. The specific discount rates and criteria for VIP levels will be detailed in the VIP program documentation.

Fee Breakdown

Drake’s fee structure varies depending on whether a referral is involved in the trade.

Fee Without Referrer Breakdown

When no referral is associated with the trade, the commission fee is allocated as follows:

  1. Onchain Service Cost: 5% (Deducted First) A fixed 5% of the commission fee is allocated to cover onchain service costs, which include:

    • AA Wallet: Fees related to account abstraction wallets.

    • Chainlink Data Stream Price Verifications: Costs for accessing real-time price feeds.

    • Gas Costs: Transaction fees for liquidations and pending order executions.

  2. Profit for Drake Earn Vault Stakers: 95% * 70% The majority of the fee goes to Drake Earn Vault stakers, rewarding them for their contribution to the platform’s liquidity.

  3. Operational Fund: 95% * 30% A portion of the fee supports the operational needs of the Drake platform, including:

    • Cloud Service: Costs for maintaining the platform’s cloud infrastructure.

    • SaaS Services: Subscription fees for essential software tools.

    • Office Supplies / Salary: Expenses related to office operations and employee salaries.

Fee With Referrer Breakdown

When a referral is associated with the trade, the commission fee is distributed as follows:

  1. Onchain Service Cost: 5% (Deducted First) Before distributing the remaining fees, a fixed 5% is allocated to onchain service costs, with the remaining 95% divided among the above categories.

  2. Profit for Drake Earn Vault Stakers: 95% * 60% A significant portion of the fee still goes to Drake Earn Vault stakers, ensuring they continue to benefit from the platform’s growth.

  3. Referral Bonus: 95% * 20% 20% of the commission fee is allocated as a referral bonus, rewarding users or protocols that bring new traders to the platform.

  4. Team Operation Revenue: 95% * 20% This portion supports the operational aspects of the platform, including:

    • Cloud Service

    • SaaS Services

    • Office Supplies / Salary

Future Plans

Drake plans to introduce additional rewards and profit-sharing mechanisms, including referral rewards and DAO staker profits, into the breakdown of commission fees. These enhancements will further incentivize community participation and support the platform’s decentralized governance.

Last updated