Referral Program

Drake offers a lucrative referral program that allows partners to earn a share of the revenue generated by users they refer. This program is open to individuals, protocols, and communities, making it a flexible opportunity for anyone interested in promoting Drake. There are two primary methods for facilitating referrals:

  1. Standard Referral Code

    Partners can use a standard referral code embedded in a hyperlink to the Drake dApp. When users sign up and trade using this link, the partner earns a share of the generated fees.

  2. Token Balance Snapshots

    For protocols and communities, Drake offers an option to periodically snapshot token balances for the protocol or communities’ token. Anytime a user holding those tokens trades on Drake, the fees generated by their activity are automatically attributed to the partner protocol or community. This method allows for a more seamless and passive referral process.

Fee Breakdown

The trading fees collected on the platform are distributed as follows:

  1. Onchain Service Costs: 5% (Deducted First)

    Before the remaining fees are distributed, 5% is allocated to cover onchain service costs. These costs include:

    • AA Wallet: Fees related to account abstraction wallets.

    • Chainlink Data Stream Price Verifications: Costs for accessing real-time price feeds.

    • Gas Costs for Liquidation and Order Execution: Transaction fees for liquidations and pending order executions.

    The remaining 95% of the fees are then divided between the Drake Earn Vault stakers, referral bonuses, and team operation revenue as outlined below.

  2. Profit for Drake Earn Vault Stakers: 95% * 60%

    The largest portion, 60%, goes to Drake Earn Vault stakers, rewarding them for providing liquidity and supporting the platform.

  3. Referral Bonus: 95% * 20%

    20% of the fees are allocated as a referral bonus, incentivizing partners to continue bringing new users to Drake.

  4. Team Operation Revenue: 95% * 20%

    Another 20% of the fees are directed towards covering the operational costs necessary for maintaining and growing the platform. This includes:

    • Cloud Service: Costs for maintaining the platform’s cloud infrastructure.

    • SaaS Services: Subscription fees for various software tools that enable platform functionality.

    • Office Supplies / Salary: Expenses for salaries, office supplies, and other administrative costs.

Last updated