
Recovery Guide


If you are using Social AA Wallet, please check this document to learning to recover your AA account.

It’s based on ZeroDev. A video demo for Social AA Wallet recovery:

Tips: This recovery process does not help you recover the private key of the AA account. Instead, it involves the Guardian Account authorizing the transfer of control of the AA account to a specified new Owner Account when needed. After completing this control transfer, all subsequent transactions will require authorization from the new Owner Account.

Guardian Account Setting

  1. Set new Guardian Account

Open Account Setting popup window. The “Recover” button is disable if you never set the Guardian Account Address before. Then click “Guardian Setting” bar.

  1. Save Guardian Account Address

Paste your guardian account address, click “Confirm” button will send new Transaction to save it on blockchain.

The Recovery Icon will be enable if Tx is successful.

  1. Update Guardian Account

You can change to a new Guardian Account Address if you want. Just paste new address and click “Confirm” to save it.

Recover Account

Tips: This operation will transfer the owner of AA Account to new Signer Account.

  1. Open Recovery Portal

    Click this “Recovery Icon”, will open ZeroDev Recovery Portal.

  1. Recover Account

Connect Wallet with your guardian account address.

Select Kernel Account to your Social AA Wallet Account.

Paste your new signer address here, click “RECOVER” button will send new Transaction to save it on blockchain.

Then you can use this new signer address to sign TX when you send TX from Social AA Account.


ZeroDev doc:


Recovery Demo